What one must know

There are things you think you should know, things you think you know, things that you dont know, but think you should know, and things that you don’t know and don’t care if you know or don’t… but that’s all utter rubbish. You only know what you know, and at this moment i’m not too sure if I know what this blog is about.

Cheers to you all! and may you have a great life…

Susheel Chandradhas
Susheel Chandradhas

Susheel Chandradhas is a photographer and entrepreneur. Susheel is the founder and owner of ColoursAlive. He's a photographer who specialises in product photography and industrial filmmaking. Susheel has been in the field of photography and filmmaking for over 20 years.

He also writes at www.BeyondPhotoTips.com and is a staff writer at fstoppers.com

Articles: 60

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