Vandalur Zoo (aka. Arignar Anna Zoological Park)

Who woulda thunk it? The Vandalur Zoo has a website.

Who woulda thunk it? The Vandalur Zoo has a website. Admittedly, a pretty boring one, with limited information about their new features, such as the night safari (which I wanted info about).

If you’re wondering how to navigate the website and understand all that it has to offer, the best way would be to visit the zoo’s sitemap. The best bits about the website are the cryptic url ( and the yahoomail contact address ([email protected]).

Really, the Indian Government and it’s agencies should go to advertising / marketing workshops.

Susheel Chandradhas
Susheel Chandradhas

Susheel Chandradhas is a photographer and entrepreneur. Susheel is the founder and owner of ColoursAlive. He's a photographer who specialises in product photography and industrial filmmaking. Susheel has been in the field of photography and filmmaking for over 20 years.

He also writes at and is a staff writer at

Articles: 60


  1. are you not able to comprehend from the website that aazp is Arignar Anna Zoological Park and thats where the url (aazoop) comes from. ?

    Is that not a widely used practice of having the first letters as an acronym..

  2. Rajan, what actually induced me to write this post was the fact that I could not find the website by searching for “Vandalur Zoo” which is, in fact the most popular name for Arignar Anna Zoological Park.

    I’m willing to bet (and I never bet on anything) that 80 out of 100 people that you ask in Chennai will not know the actual name for “Vandalur Zoo”. So when I could not find the actual website when searching for “Vandalur Zoo” in Google, I decided to write about it.

    Yes, the URL is cryptic. If people don’t know the actual name, how are they expected to remember I hope that this post will change that status, and associate the term Vandalur Zoo with It’s an experiment.

    As for the email, I was actually amused by the fact that they were using the domain rather than some ‘government provided’ email, at, that’s all.

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